Pampanga News NEWS

Pampanga: Executive Order No. 5-C-2021


WHEREAS, on 19 March 2021, Executive Order No. 5-2021 was issued and provided for mitigation measures and health protocols in order to curb the surge of Covid-19 cases in the province and all over the country;

WHEREAS, E.O. Nos. 5-A-2021 and 5-B-2021 were thereafter issued which extended the implementation of E.O. 5 2021 up to 11:59 P.M. of 30 April 2021 and provided for additional guidelines during the extended period;

WHEREAS, while the measures and health protocols implemented by virtue of E.O. No. 5-2021, as amended, has kept the number of daily reported Covid-19 cases in the province at bay, the number of daily reported cases nationwide by the DOH remains relatively high;

WHEREAS, the continuing high number of daily reported Covid-19 cases has contributed to the overwhelming of hospitals and the health care system nationwide and has not spared Central Luzon and the province;

WHEREAS, the Central Luzon Hospital Capacity Utilization Rate as of 26 April 2021, Annex “A”, shows that utilization rate of dedicated Covid-19 beds in the province, including ICU units and mechanical ventilators, are at high and critical levels of 73.82%, 87.62% and 83.64%, respectively;

WHEREAS, the Provincial Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (PESU) reported that as of 28 April 2021, Annex “B”, there are 3,255 active Covid-19 cases in the province, excluding Angeles City;

WHEREAS, there is a need to continue implementing stringent measures and health protocols in order to prevent a further surge of active Covid-19 cases and ease the high and critical levels of the health care system in the province;

WHEREAS, on 26 April 2021, the Pampanga Mayor’s League issued Resolution No. 2-s-2021, Annex “C”, and requested the extended implementation of E.O. 5-2021;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DENNIS G. PINEDA, Governor of the Province of Pampanga, by virtue of the powers vested in me by der, for law, do hereby order, as follows:

Section 1. The effectivity of E.O. No. 5-2021, entitled: “Reiterating Strict Compliance with Health and Safety Protocols and Other Related Purposes”, as amended by E.O. Nos. 5-A-2021 and 5-B-2021, is hereby extended up to 11:59 p.m. of 15 May 2021. Accordingly, all pertinent provis ons thereof shall continue to be in force and effect and shall be strictly implemented by all concerned public officials during the said extended period.

Section 2. Effectivity – This Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in force and effect during the period provided in Section 1 hereof. Outside of said period and other matters not covered by E.O. No. 5-2021, as amended, the Omnibus Guidelines for Areas Placed under Modified General Community Quarantine as of 15 April 2021 issued by the NIATF and other relevant issuances are hereby adopted and directed to be observed and complied with.

DONE this 29th day of April, 2021 in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.


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